What is Software Piracy?

What is Software Piracy?

Compact disc

With India, China and the U.S. being top offenders – software piracy is a burgeoning issue worldwide. The value of pirated software is $19 billion in Western Europe and North America and $27.3 billion globally.

37% of software installed are unlicensed, according to a 2018 survey. The stats are alarming, and to make matters worse, software piracy doesn’t require special coding or hacking skills. This widespread impact of software piracy demands understanding the dangers inherent with piracy.

Software Piracy

Software piracy refers to unauthorized distribution, selling, copying and sharing of software intentionally or unintentionally. This also includes modifying legally protected software. Copyright laws and regulations protect the work of software developers such as graphic artists, programmers and writers, so they get compensation and credit for the work.

End-User License Agreement

Given the increasing use of pirated programs, software piracy regulations are implemented. Under these regulations, software piracy is punishable under federal criminal law. EULA (End-User License Agreement) is a contract between author/manufacturer and end-user.

EULA clarifies software use rules that prohibit end-users from illegally sharing, distributing, selling, or copying a program with others. In case of illegal activity, the person is liable to pay a $150,000 penalty based on copyright violation.

Software Piracy Techniques

The pirating techniques explain how software pirates knowingly or unknowingly engage in this federal crime.

Client-server Overuse

Client-server overuse involves too many people using single software at the same time. This happens in companies where the business uses single software across the organization. Unless the license entitles you, you’re not authorized to use a single license copy multiple times.

Counterfeit Software

Illegal duplication or copying of software is a big part of the problem. A larger number of counterfeited software are sold, and many people use it without realizing its economic impact on the original programmer’s business. Counterfeit software is sold at lower prices which directly affects the revenues of the original business.

Hard Disk Loading

You may have known someone who bought a legal copy of the software and then reproduced, installed and copied it onto a computer hard disk and sold it. That’s hard disk loading right there. These products are available in resale shops. Often, buyers have no clue that they’re buying an illegal copy of the software.

Soft-lifting or Soft-loading

Many organizations and schools engage in soft-lifting to save money. It refers to purchasing the original program and downloading it on multiple systems despite the license agreement stating that it’s for a single download only. This is the common technique of software piracy.

You can protect your business with our top-notch anti-piracy protection services. At Onsist, we assist you in protecting your intellectual property by finding infringing copies. Our experts also specialize in deep web monitoring services to monitor the deep web for illegal use of your content. Protect your intellectual property today by contacting us.

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