Everything about Online Video Piracy

Everything about Online Video Piracy

A digital video creator

With advancing digital platforms and content creation channels, online cybercriminals and video pirates are also becoming pros at what they do. On one side, the digital revolution has led to cutting-edge changes in our lives, but it has also exposed us to some unique risks. Among these, online video piracy is a leading concern.

Today, there are several mediums to publish and share online video content. Whether you’re an influencer, a vlogger, or a business manager running an online account for your startup, you have to be very careful to prevent video content violations.

A research report suggests that as of 2018, people have been streaming videos, movies, and other types of video content on unlicensed platforms. And a very small chunk of the audience subscribed to licensed websites to access videos, movies, documentaries, and series.

What’s more, online content creators, influencers, and bloggers have also been victims of online video pirates every now and then. In addition, the demand for online video streaming platforms has boosted, especially during the pandemic. This has led to extremely high-volume content generation, thereby providing lucrative opportunities to the pirates.

Online video generation is also fueled by an unprecedented growth in technological tools and techniques and the increasing awareness among businesses and audiences.

Unfortunately, the growth seems to be hampered by the proliferators. Online video piracy is a nuisance, and in this blog, we will tell you more about it. So continue reading.

What is Piracy?

Piracy, especially on digital channels, is not a new thing. It has existed ever since videos and movies started going online. When people swiftly shifted from televisions to YouTube and other video-streaming networks, online video pirates became active too!

Piracy has many other names, and internet piracy, online piracy, and digital piracy are a few of the most popular ones. But whatever you call it, the fundamental meaning of online piracy remains the same. Piracy is a criminal act of illegally accessing, retrieving, and copying protected content that trespasses on the owner’s right. In the video content’s context, online video piracy is referred to as copying and streaming licensed videos that infringe the video owner’s copyright.

Online video piracy is a growing concern. But fortunately, there are cutting-edge, robust online protection solutions providers like ONSIST. We’re a leading brand protection services provider, helping business and content creators avail the best anti-piracy services.

What Kind of Online Content Can Be Violated?

In this blog, we’re focused on discussing online video piracy. But to learn more aspects of it, you must also know what other types of content can be illegally copied online. Piracy includes making illicit counterfeits of copyrighted soundtracks, gaming applications, software, e-books, and flicks.

The owner’s copyrights, audience volume, and financial outcome are significantly affected. Online video pirates can even sell infringed video content online, ultimately leading to loss of sales and reduced content creation incentives. 

Understanding the Financial Impact of Online Video Piracy

Online piracy issues can stifle the growth of not just content creators, but also the entire economy. There are several ways online video piracy can cap digital advancement in a country. Online pirates reduce the motivation in potential people who want to create content, and it also obstructs their way of reaching their audience through organic sources.

A report reveals that only 50% of the global internet traffic is encrypted, and so, there’s a long way to go to get the other half protected from the perils of online video pirates. Another study by Sandvine shows that from the total file-sharing population on the internet, only 3% up-streams and 22% down-streams, the latter mainly through sites like BitTorrent. While such platforms are a big source to distribute ordinary and original files, many are on the lookout to trade infringed content.

Moreover, Parks Associates has predicted that over 67 billion USD may be lost due to pirated video streaming on the internet by the end of 2023.

With the increasing rate of online piracy issues, from government and business giants to SMEs and consumer privacy organizations, everyone has joined hands to constructively overcome the issue.

Ensuring digital video piracy is the only way to allow creative minds in a country to come forward and promote content that’s value-additive and entertaining for the audience.

How to Prevent Online Video Piracy?

Whether you generate short TikTok videos or post hour-long lectures for biology students who want to study online, your top priority should be online piracy assurance. Without complete protection, online video content makers cannot keep their videos safe from cybercriminals.

Here are some strategies that can help you protect your video content:

Registering for copyright ownership isn’t enough. You have to be able to display it within your content to keep pirates from copying your content. Enforcing a robust copyright grant can help you target more audiences and maximize profit generation. However, copyright laws are different in every country, so it’s best to dig up information via reliable sources on the web.

Moreover, online content creators should incorporate the copyright symbol, ©, along with the copyrighter’s name and details.

Reporting is a Must

Without speaking up against the video pirated, the global content marketing industry cannot get rid of them. Whether you’re a content creator, a digital business owner, or a consumer, it’s important that you report any type of violated content to the authorities. Luckily, there are several copyright protection programs in place now. Leverage their power and help the market in shutting down the cybercriminals and means of copying original content.

Hire a Reliable Anti-Piracy Services Provider

It’s a no-brainer that professional anti-piracy services can be a game-changer for online video content owners. They’re specialists in this field and know how to navigate through the pitfalls and come out stronger.

For example, at ONSIST, we are professionally skilled and proficient anti-piracy protection services providers helping several businesses increase sales, protect brand image, gain the audience’s trust. From Instagram models, plug-in application owners, and movie agencies to online teachers, we can help anyone who wants to protect their content on digital platforms.

In addition to anti-piracy services, we also offer trademark monitoring, DMCA Takedown, credential defense, and financial fraud monitoring services. Request a demo now!

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